by Calculated Risk on 5/11/2015 11:58:00 AM
Monday, May 11, 2015
More Employment Graphs: Duration of Unemployment, Unemployment by Education, Construction Employment and Diffusion Indexes
By request, a few more employment graphs ...
Here are the previous posts on the employment report:
• April Employment Report: 223,000 Jobs, 5.4% Unemployment Rate
• Employment Report Comments and Graphs
The general trend is down for all categories, and the "less than 5 weeks", "6 to 14 weeks" and "15 to 26 weeks" are all close to normal levels.
The long term unemployed is less than 1.6% of the labor force - the lowest since November 2008 - however the number (and percent) of long term unemployed remains elevated.
Unfortunately this data only goes back to 1992 and only includes one previous recession (the stock / tech bust in 2001). Clearly education matters with regards to the unemployment rate - and it appears all four groups are generally trending down.
Although education matters for the unemployment rate, it doesn't appear to matter as far as finding new employment.
Note: This says nothing about the quality of jobs - as an example, a college graduate working at minimum wage would be considered "employed".
Since construction employment bottomed in January 2011, construction payrolls have increased by 951 thousand.
Construction employment is still far below the bubble peak - and below the level in the late '90s.
For manufacturing, the diffusion index was at 50.6, up from 45.6 in March.
Think of this as a measure of how widespread job gains are across industries. The further from 50 (above or below), the more widespread the job losses or gains reported by the BLS. Above 60 is very good. From the BLS:
Figures are the percent of industries with employment increasing plus one-half of the industries with unchanged employment, where 50 percent indicates an equal balance between industries with increasing and decreasing employment.Overall private job growth was less widespread in April.