by Calculated Risk on 3/24/2009 09:07:00 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Equity Extraction Data
Earlier today I graphed the mortgage equity extraction data for Q4 2008 from Dr. James Kennedy at the Fed.
Thanks again to Dr. Kennedy for all the data!
For those interested, here is the equity extraction data from the Fed (excel file) Enjoy!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use this data, please read this note from the Fed:
Attached are the estimates of home equity extraction and related data through the fourth quarter of 2008, courtesy of Jim Kennedy. Please note that there will be no further updates to this data series.Here is a repeat of the total MEW graph:
These data are the product of a research project undertaken by Jim and Alan Greenspan. The data are not an official publication or product of the Federal Reserve Board. If you cite these data, please reference one of the two papers that Jim wrote with Alan Greenspan. For example, a reference might read something like this:
"Updated estimates provided by Jim Kennedy of the mortgage system presented in "Estimates of Home Mortgage Originations, Repayments, and Debt On One-to-Four-Family Residences," Alan Greenspan and James Kennedy, Federal Reserve Board FEDS working paper no. 2005-41."
Since the fall of 2005, when the first paper Jim wrote with Alan Greenspan was released, Jim has updated the data periodically, usually quarterly, a few days after publication of the Flow of Funds data.

For Q4 2008, Dr. Kennedy has calculated Net Equity Extraction as minus $77 billion, or negative 2.9% of Disposable Personal Income (DPI).
This graph shows the net equity extraction, or mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW), results, both in billions of dollars quarterly (not annual rate), and as a percent of personal disposable income.