by Calculated Risk on 11/06/2007 12:30:00 PM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
IndyMac House Price Forecasts
IndyMac has provided a substantial amount of industry data and analysis: IndyMac Bancorp, Inc. Third Quarter Review (hat tip jmf). Here are a few charts and excerpts: Click on graph for larger image
IndyMac is forecasting 10% price declines in the high risk areas, 8% in the moderate risk areas, and 6% in the low risk areas.
Forecasted Home price depreciation ranging between 6% and 10% is factored into our loss expectations that drive valuation and reserves – average HPI declines expected to be around 9%
Indymac’s forecast of housing price declines are based on risk grades from PMI, MGIC and AIG/United Guaranty

Expected home price declines used in our reserves and valuations are slightly higher than average US home declines as predicted by Moody’s economy.comThis would be a very short housing bust if year-over-year nationwide house prices started to recover in late '09 as shown by the OFHEO HPI. Also only a 10% decline in prices in the high risk areas is probably way too optimistic.
Give IndyMac credit, at least they are releasing their forecasts (and a substantial amount of data). I'd like to see the Citigroup house price forecast!