This graph shows the percent of loans delinquent by days past due.
Loans 30 days delinquent decreased to 3.04% from 3.25% in Q3. This is just below 2007 levels and around the long term average.
Delinquent loans in the 60 day bucket decreased to 1.16% in Q4, from 1.19% in Q3.
The 90 day bucket decreased to 2.89% from 2.96%. This is still way above normal (around 0.8% would be normal according to the MBA).
The percent of loans in the foreclosure process decreased to 3.74% from 4.07% and is now at the lowest level since 2008.
Here was the MBA press release: Mortgage Delinquency and Foreclosure Rates Finished 2012 Down Sharply
And an earlier post on the conference call: Q4 MBA National Delinquency Survey Comments