by Calculated Risk on 8/30/2010 11:29:00 PM
Monday, August 30, 2010
Europe Bond Yields
Usually I just post the bond spreads in Europe, but I think this excellent tool from Bloomberg shows visually what is happening with bond yields in Europe. Click on graph for larger image in new window.
You can click here for the graph for the Greece 10 year bond yields. Then you can add other bonds for comparison.
This is a 3 year graph from Bloomberg.
Where it says "Add a comparison" you can enter the symbols for Germany (GDBR10:IND) and then Ireland (GIGB10YR:IND) to create this graph.
Here are the symbols for Portugal (GSPT10YR:IND) and Spain (GSPG10YR:IND) too (not graphed). Nemo has links for more countries on the sidebar of his site.
Starting in 2008 the bond yields started to separate - with Greece and Ireland paying more. Then in May of this year, the situation reached crisis levels. And now the spreads are steadily widening again - as the German bond yields have fallen recently (like the U.S. yields) and the Irish and Greek bond yields have been increasing.